STATUS: We’ve Suspended our case - See our press release here!

California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)

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Update: We’ve suspended our suit. See our press release here!

HCD failed to plan for a feasible jobs/housing balance in the San Francisco Bay Area

YIMBY Law and YIMBY Action are suing the California Department of Housing and Community Development for its failure to include the jobs-housing balance in its Regional Housing Needs Determination (RHND) methodology for the San Francisco Bay Area, contrary to state law. In particular, HCD ignored the housing element law requiring the state make housing goals that will achieve a “feasible jobs-housing balance” in the SF Bay Area Region.

The image above is an excerpt from the letter HCD sent to the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG) announcing and explaining the RHND of 441,176 units for the ABAG region. Plainly, contrary to the requirements of the law, there is no jobs/housing balance adjustment.

Researchers at the UCLA Lewis Center estimate that including the jobs/ housing adjustment would increase the Bay Area RHND determination by as much as 138,000 additional homes.

Without action now to adjust RHNA goals to achieve a jobs-housing balance in the Bay Area, we will continue to see mass displacement, increased commute times, overcrowding, and a debilitating housing shortage in the Bay Area. 
